Thursday, March 31, 2016

MM Hunter vs Double Retribution Paladins

I think that double Ret Paladins are very hard to beat and that is why I've uploaded this video. I think that the most important thing was to keep good distance and synchronize my deterrence with their Immunes.
Let me know if there was something wrong with my tactic against Ret Paladins :)

Wise words from a wise Hunter....

Saturday, March 19, 2016

MM Hunter PVP - 6.2

In this video you will see a prove that as a MM Hunter you can still rule the Arena.
I'm planning on making a MM Hunter PVP Guide soon, so I hope that you will enjoy this and all of the up coming PVP video.
Let me know what you think in the comments below :))

MM Hunter Arena PVP - 6.2