Tuesday, May 10, 2016

NEW Legion mounts - Leyfeather Hippogryph and PVP Mount

Sorry for the constant mount post spam, but these days we had a lot a new Legion mounts coming to life and I want to share them all with you. After the new Moose mount (Defiled Reins), now we have pictures and a video of the new Legion  Hippogryph mount - Leyfeather Hippogryph.

I can't say that this mount is something completely new, because we have a lot of Hippogryph mounts in WOW and there not a lot that can be made in that direction. In few words it's just a purple Hippogryph and you can obtain it by completing the Glory of the Legion Hero achievement.

There will be also a new PVP mount which is just a recolored version of te current PVP tiger mount. I love the original mount and I think that I will need the new one aswell, but it's not something shockingly new.


 Reins of the Leyfeather Hippogryph

  Reins of the Leyfeather Hippogryph

New PVP Mount
 New PVP Mount
 New PVP Mount

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